
Numbers Before Anything does not have any affiliation with the Capcom, SCEA, SCEE, Koei,Nintendo,Microsoft,Ubisoft,Crytek,EA,Square-Enix and any other products. Any registered trademarks used on this site are only used for clarification purposes. The images and contents are the source from the games from Capcom (Street Fighter,Dead Rising and others),Koei(Dynasty Warriors),SCE(Killzone and others),Nintendo,Zipper(Socom),Ubisoft(Splinter Cell,Ghost Recon and others),Square-Enix(Kingdom Hearts and others) and other game products. One thing, if you think the content of Numbers Before Anything should not be published at here, please write to us at Epicshogun@gmail.com and we will consider what mistakes that we've made and take them down as soon as possible.